Oak Park Raiders

Returning Players & New Prospects

A whole new coaching staff means that this year’s Raiders will be unlike whatever team you saw last year. Returning and Provincial team player Taven Vigilance will always pose a threat from wherever he stands on the court. Adrian Ortega Pelegrin, one of the JV superstars from last year, has returned from Spain for his second year at Oak Park. The Grade 12 players, including Luke Penner, Jordan Buenaventura, and Kai Boyko, offer strong role models and leadership for our upcoming stars.

Teams Play Style

A team growing into its identity, these boys will work hard from start to finish and capitalize on the mistakes their opponents make. Although the BSSI tournament in Brandon didn’t go the way we’d hoped, it gave us a great opportunity to make adjustments and recalibrate as we look forward to the remainder of the season.

Goals for the Season and Last Years Achievements

Last year was last year. This season, Raiders have a blank slate on which to write a new story. There is a long tradition of Varsity Boys’ basketball excellence at Oak Park and the 2022-23 team, under a new coaching staff, is excited to begin a new chapter of that legacy,

Team Roster